Summary: Toluene is a clear, colorless liquid with a
distinctive smell. Toluene occurs naturally in crude oil and in the tolu
tree. It is also produced in the process of making gasoline and other
fuels from crude oil and making coke from coal.
Toluene is used in making paints, paint thinners, fingernail polish,
lacquers, adhesives, and rubber and in some printing and leather
tanning processes.
Công ty TNHH TM DV Sapa
450 Ly Thai To Q.10 T.PHCM
Điện thoại : 08.38348171
Mobil Phone :0913655616.
Email :
STK :0071000022946 Ngân hàng Vietcom Bank Chi nhánh Tp HCM
STK : 22837899 Ngân hàng ACB Chi nhánh Ông Ích Khiêm Q.11
STK :060007623960 Ngân hàng Sacom Bank Chi nhánh Hưng Đạo Q.5
Summary: Toluene is a clear, colorless liquid with a
distinctive smell. Toluene occurs naturally in crude oil and in the tolu
tree. It is also produced in the process of making gasoline and other
fuels from crude oil and making coke from coal.
Toluene is used in making paints, paint thinners, fingernail polish,
lacquers, adhesives, and rubber and in some printing and leather
tanning processes.
Công ty TNHH TM DV Sapa
450 Ly Thai To Q.10 T.PHCM
Điện thoại : 08.38348171
Mobil Phone :0913655616.
Email :
STK :0071000022946 Ngân hàng Vietcom Bank Chi nhánh Tp HCM
STK : 22837899 Ngân hàng ACB Chi nhánh Ông Ích Khiêm Q.11
STK :060007623960 Ngân hàng Sacom Bank Chi nhánh Hưng Đạo Q.5